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dddd3dddd Ethical
dddd3dddd Reports and Achievements dddd3dddd

Awards & Recognition

ESG Evaluation Ratings

As a result of the ESG assessment conducted in 2021 by Korea Corporate Governance Service (KCGS), we were accredited for our ESG activities that we have gone on for the past seven years based on ethical management, with Orion and Orion Holdings both receiving an overall rating of A.

금융지원 상생펀드 운영
Category Overall rating Environment Society Governance
Orion A A A B+
Orion Holdings A A A A
Awards and Recognition

Below are examples of our accomplishment regarding our ESG management activities as accredited by well-regarded organizations in Korea and abroad.

  • Prime Minister's Award in the Carbon Neutrality Category at National Quality Innovation Awards 2021

    Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

  • National Convention on Quality Control Circles
    Gold Prize in the Energy and Climate Change Categories
    Cheongju Factory(2020, 2021), Iksan Factory(2022)
    Silver Prize in the Energy and Climate Change Categories
    Iksan Factory(2021)
    Bronze Prize in the Indirect Office Category(2021)

    Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

  • Company with the Best CSR Reputation Award in China

    The Korean Embassy in China

  • Included in the top-100 companies list for the CSR China Education Award 2021 Excellence Award in the Sustainable Development Category

    CSR China Education Federation

  • Outstanding Contribution to Green Initiatives Award

    Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Guangdong Province, China