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Social contribution

Social Contribution Policies and Activities

We duly strive to fulfill our social responsibility by wholeheartedly engaging in social contribution activities based on growth. Under the same theme of “Sharing affection,” we undertake social contribution activities related to our work, which is divided into “Sharing heartwarming affection” that supports children and teenagers in marginalized groups and “Sharing green affection” that supports environmental initiatives and local communities.

금융지원 상생펀드 운영
Goals To create a warmhearted business environment by engaging in social contribution activities related to our business domains.
Directions Company-wide theme: “Sharing affection”
Sharing warm affection To support children & teenagers in marginalized groups Sharing green affection To support environmental initiatives & local communities


  • Support for emotional development of children & teenagers

    • A contest for overcoming COVID-19 open to all youth centers nationwide
    • Donations where customers can pitch in (donation of products by matching them with customer contributions)


  • Support for the happiness & wellbeing of children and teenagers

    • Building Happy Schools Campaign (field day of hobbies)
    • Making Sunlight Classrooms for Children (in low-income neighborhoods)
    • Making a space for children to get hands-on experience in food safety and gain access to education


  • Finding Hope in the Classroom Campaign

    • chool violence prevention and making happy classrooms in connection with World Vision


  • Social contribution agreement in Jeju region

    • Marine life, local welfare, talent development programs, etc

    Environmental preservation activities (employees, their families & customers joining in plogging events, etc.)

    Agreement to sponsor the Ministry of National Defense (donating Orion products to basic training centers, welfare & career support, etc.)

    “Thank You Oh! Gamja” (Support for farms that have signed a potato supply contract)


  • Educational programs on nutrition for local communities (jointly with the Nutrition Society)


  • Homegrown Potatoes Project

    • Agricultural tools, technology, regional welfare support geared to farms that signed a potato supply contract
Major Social Contribution Activities by Affiliated Company
(as of 2021)
금융지원 상생펀드 운영
Category Activities Beneficiaries Amount
  • A contest for overcoming COVID-19 open to all youth centers nationwide. Donations for local communities

    Foundation: Sponsored the Armed Forces Day event, welfare fund for Jeju communities, and provided Orion products to COVID-19 screening centers nationwide

Approx. 169,000 people KRW 1.29 bil
  • Building Happy Schools Campaign (renovation of cafeteria facilities, field days, & health education)

    Educational programs on nutrition for local communities, donation of relief kits & goods to areas affected by flood

Approx. 227,000 people KRW 1.1 bil
  • Finding Hope in the Classroom Campaign, Homegrown Potatoes Project (support for farms & colleges)

    Provided Ho Chi Minh City funds for vaccinations against COVID-19. Supported a local foundation that protects children.

Approx. 24,000 people KRW 330 mil
Total Approx. 420,000 people KRW 2.72 bil
Policies that Encourage Employee Participation

In order to encourage employees to wholeheartedly take part in social contribution activities, we allow them to engage in such activities during work hours, and reflect their social contribution performance in their organizational and personal evaluations. We also post well-written reviews earned by employees after their participation in social contribution activities to promote the meaning of social contribution and incentivize them to feel rewarded from their experience.