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dddd3dddd Ethical
dddd3dddd Customers dddd3dddd

Customer satisfaction

Protect consumer rights and interests
  • We are always all ears from the customer's point of view.
  • We try to actively reflect even customer's minor opinions.
  • We quickly and clearly identify the cause of customer complaints and give feedback.
  • We improve the complaints that have occurred so that they do not recur, and do our best to prevent them in advance.
  • We compensate for complaints received according to relevant regulations.
Voice of Customers (VOC) and Handling Process

We collect customer’s voices via multiple channels and reflect them in our products. We also listen and share even minor comments from our customers and readily reflect them into the new products we develop and existing products to be enhanced for better customer satisfaction on an ongoing basis.

  • VOC received
    VOC received
  • Customer consultation
    Customer consultation
  • Issue resolved
    Issue resolved
  • Sharing the VOC company-wide
    Sharing the VOC company-wide
  • Improving the issues & reflecting the VOC into our products
    Improving the issues & reflecting the VOC into our products
VOC-Handling Status in 2023
  • Complaints


  • Feedback


Active Reflection of Customer Feedbacks

We proactively collect data on customer preference & needs and incorporate them into our products.

  • Re-Launch of Discontinued Products


    There were over 150 postings on our Customer Center forum requesting a re-launch of Wacle. We accepted the call our customers and released Wacle in 2021 after a 15-year discontinuation.

  • Release of New Products

    Strawberry Songyi & four mint chocolate products

    Following the request to release mint chocolate-flavored snacks, we launched 4 summer limited edition mint chocolate snacks including Choco Pies, Choco Songyis, Diget Thins in 2021. In 2022, we also launched Strawberry Songyis for which we had the largest number of requests for the new Choco Songyi flavor.

Damage Compensation Organization and Compensation Standards

Our customer center seeks improvement measures on customer complaints and act as a damage compensation organization when customers have a grievance about damages. Once the grievance is received, we propose resolution standards pursuant to the notification by the Fair Trade Commission.

Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards (Fair Trade Commission Notice No. 2021-7, Confectionery)
Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards
Topics Resolution Standards

1) Lacking content or amount

2) Deteriorated, discolored, & moldy food

3) Expiration of shelf life

4) Tainted with foreign substance

Exchange the product with a new one or provide refunds

5) Side effects

6) Accidents caused by damaged containers, etc.

Compensate for medical expenses or income loss

Satisfaction Enhancement Program By Reinforcing Customer Support

We periodically get an external assessment on customer support to improve communication with customers and enhance customer support services, and ultimately bolster the quality of service. Based on our findings, we train individual customer support agents on areas they lack in, so that we always provide high-quality service. We also offer regular product training by in-house experts, enabling them to explain our products to customers easily and accurately.